Sunday, May 18, 2014
Final Reflection (200 points)
Monday, May 12, 2014
Marketing Ploy (100 points)
To complete:
1. Develop a strategy to market your product/service
2. Detail that strategy in paragraph form on a document in Pages
3. Show the actual ad on the same document
Physical Description (50 points)
Market Research (150 points)
To complete:
1. Determine who you're selling to
2. Determine where you'll find them
3. Determine how many are available
4. Detail all this in a Pages document
5. Show me
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Goals and weaknesses (160 points)
With the goals, you need to identify what you would like to see happen in the short term (the next two weeks) as far as number of sales and income is concerned. This goal should be quantifiable (measurable). Please be realistic.
The long term goal is one that extends beyond the course/assignment. What do you foresee in the future as far as this business is concerned? Is it one-and-done? Will you expand it over the summer? Will you utilize it in your small business-owning life you foresee? Will this just become/continue to be a hobby?
Next you need to identify what weaknesses are present in your business. This could listed, detailed in a paragraph, or graphically shown. What is standing in the way of your success? Procrastination problems? Effort? Lack of funding? Impossible to market to the correct group? Whatever it may, everyone has something standing in their way. Detail it.
To complete:
1. In the comment section of this blog post, detail both the goals and the weaknesses, separated by a bullet point of some sort.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Keynote Presentation (350 points)
Friday, April 4, 2014
Business/Payroll Quiz (25 points)
1. Bill Burke worked 46 hours last week. If he earns $8.75 per hour and
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Where would the appropriate place to locate your business be? Many factors have to be taken into consideration.
- Close to home
- At home
- Access to fast internet broadband
- Close to shopping centre or public transport
- Access to well-educated staff
- Access to unskilled workers
- Close to airport, highways or harbour
- Low crime
- Close to market
- Other
Business policies are a set of rules you have decided upon in order to make your company run smoothly.
A customer or business partner asks you for discount or length of guarantee and if you have to answer 'Well I don't know, I have to think about it' then it will not make you look professional.
Make your business policy
Make up your mind and formulate policies for at least the following issues:
- Pricing
- Discount
- Terms of payment
- Guarantee
- Customer service
- Environmental issues
Business policies are a set of rules you have decided upon in order to make your company run smoothly.
A customer or business partner asks you for discount or length of guarantee and if you have to answer 'Well I don't know, I have to think about it' then it will not make you look professional.
Make your business policy
Make up your mind and formulate policies for at least the following issues:
- Pricing
- Discount
- Terms of payment
- Guarantee
- Customer service
- Environmental issues
A way to tell the world you have great products or services to sell is to use advertisements and signposts.
There are many places where you can put in an advertisement. It is normally rather expensive for a new business to use advertisements because the response is usually poor. One advertisement doesn´t make a response. You have to put in several advertisements before the reader starts noticing it.
An advertisement can´t stand alone so you have to combine it with other marketing activities.
An advertisement can be put in a national newspaper, the town´s newspaper or the suburb paper. A telephone book or the town´s official web site might be a place. Also trade paper, trade magazine and other focused papers are an option.
Photocopied advertisements to be placed in shops, light posts, cafes and office buildings is a cheap way to tell about your company.
I you have a restaurant, a shop, a car or other public show possibilities, these have to be used to its optimum. They will be free of charge and hopefully attract the customer.
You could also hire a man to carry a sandwich sign showing the way to your restaurant or to a web site.
Market Description
Before you start any sales and marketing activities you should establish a solid knowledge of the market by making a market description.
If you don't have a feeling of whom your customers are it becomes difficult to choose the right way to approach them.
Who are the customers
There are a lot of questions that could be asked in order to establish a picture of your customer.
- How many customers can there potentially be?
- Do they live in the neighbourhood or in the urban area, in the province, in the country, in Asia or all over the world?
- Are they men, women, old people or children?
- What do they do in the spare time?
- What is the limit they are willing to pay for the product?
You should know as much as possible about your potential customers. If you know the name and address of the customers then you have come very far in your marked research.
Know your competitors in the market
In the market you also find competitors. You have to find out what you are up against. On what level is the quality of the competitor’s product? What is the price? How big is their turnover? How is their marketing and web site? How is their product development? Where are their weak points?
If you look at an iceberg, 90% of it will be under water with just 10% visible to the human eye. This you can compare with the description of the market and the marketing material. You need to spend a lot of time researching the market and thinking about the best way to approach the customers.
After weeks of researching you might end up making a five page web site and 300 business cards. 90% was spent on research, and 10% on appearance.
Mission Statement
(Step 1: Business Concept)
A mission statement captures your new business`s purpose, customer orientation and philosophy.
Often will an entrepreneur’s mission statement be:
- "I have an idea and I want to create a business, support my family and earn a lot of money".
If you have bigger plans for your business and want to communicate this to a wider public it might be a good idea to develop a mission statement.
When starting a business there is a tendency of basing it on specific knowledge or on a specific product.
Making a mission statement
If you like cooking you may want to open a stand and serve hot chicken soup at fair prices, and if you are educated within IT and software you may want to establish a company specialising in relational databases.
By basing your business on one specific product or service you make your new business vulnerable. If its foundation crumbles away, the market will lose interest in your business. You will have nothing else to offer the market.
Look behind the product
What you need to do is look behind the apparent features of the product. That is: how long and wide the product is, the colour of it, the durability, how many rotations per minute and so on. Try instead to determine which human, business or society related challenges the product meets.
More than a product
If you like cooking and sell “chicken soup” your mission statement could be
- “To serve tasty and healthy takeaway food for the public at fair prices"
By choosing this statement you will be able to continue your business even if the public should stop liking chicken soup. You will also open your mind to new ideas and new commercial ventures by widening your business statement.
Are you able to write down your mission statement? If not, wait and come back to this item later. When working with the business plan the right mission statement might just pop up.
Mission statement template/ Mini Business Plan - example
This business statement template will help you formulate the 7 key questions you should ask yourself in order to pursue your plans of being a business owner. You could also call the statement a small business plan.
Get inspired from the examples and write your own statement.
1. My line of business:
- IT-company with JavaScript as the core business area
- Design and sale of children`s clothes
- Travel agency specialising in costumers of 60+
2. I want to sell these products:
E. g.:
- Applications that connect a company`s web-sites with the company`s administrative system
- Dresses for play, pleasure and party for girls from 2 to 6 years old
- A travel agency that organise guided tours to historical sites in Asia for senior citizens
3. My costumers are:
- Production companies within the state boundaries with more than 150 employees and a need for receiving costumer information from the web site
- The three biggest retail chains in children`s clothes in the country and selected independent children clothes retailers
- The well off senior citizen in the country that have the time and money to spend on a exclusive and cultural vacation
4. I will find and get in contact with my costumers this way:
- We will from the national database of registered companies buy addresses of companies in our target group. Afterwards we send a mail/letter to the company and phone them two days later.
- I have personal contact to two of the three national children`s clothes chains and I have already a list of the top 200 independent children`s clothes retailers
- We contact the senior citizens through advertisement in senior citizens magazines and by creating a comprehensive web site describing the historical sites and the tours in a professional way.
5. I am different from my competitors in these ways:
- Our service is price effective because we have developed five standard components which fit 80 % of the costumers` needs
- My good contacts among the retailers of children`s clothes give me an advantage
- My strong historical and web site expertise and my wife`s 10 years in the travel business make us unique for this line of business
6. The three biggest resources I give my business:
- ITC education, five years in a similar company and a strong professional network
- Network among retailers, love to design clothes and access to dressmaker`s workroom
- Visited many historical sites, inside business knowledge and web site professional
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Completing Missions in Gen I Revolution (25 points)
Complete and 'pass' three missions, get 25 points. It's not enough to just complete it, you need to also pass it. If, however, passing becomes an issue, then 10,000 points acquired will also suffice for the completion of this task. My recommendation is for you and a partner to sit next to each other and figure the missions together on separate computers, both completing the missions individually but working together to solve them. Remember, lots of points available in Gen I Revolution if you want them.
To complete:
1) Log on to Gen I Revolution
2) Complete AND pass 3 missions (at least), or break the 10,000 point threshold.
3) Your scores/results are automatically sent to me, so you don't need to do anything further!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Gen I Revolution Contest (225 points)
Interested? 225 points would go a long way, and y'all can team up as groups of 4! Everybody can submit, although I do ask that the entries be slightly different from each other if that happens. Furthermore, if the entry is considered in some fashion (or actually wins!) then a bonus of 110 points will be added.
An overview of the contest can be seen here.
Please be sure to read all of the page describing the contest, and then read the written submission example and watch the sample video. I'll be involved in every team's submission, helping with details and planning. This task will go a long way towards receiving an 'A' this semester, and with some solid teamwork, it should go fairly smoothly. There should be no need to work outside of the classroom on this one. We have a lot of classes between now and April 18th.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Free on Craigslist! (20 points)
This task requires manpower and an appropriate vehicle. Please discuss with me if you're capable and interested BEFORE you embark on the couch search!!!
Insurance Quiz (25 points)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Billion Dollar Challenge (75 points)
The entry you create needs to be digital, so use technology as best you can (iPad or laptop or off to a computer lab with ya) and email me the result. I'll then enter it.
You can still do this for 50 points, even though the submission deadline has passed. All the rules above still apply, and I'd like to include that the project should be school-appropriate. thank you.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Classroom Simulation (100 points)
Put a lot of effort into this one. This task is one in which you look to leave an impression on those that participate in it.
Credit Card Simulation (points based on performance)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Minecraft (100 points)
banks, police, fire fighting crews, hospital, government, schools, residences, roads, recreation, grocery, convenient stores, restaurants, lodging, import/export routes, and whatever else you may deem necessary. Obviously, there's no 'in-game' measurement of a successful town built as there would be in a Sims game, but there will be judgement passed on potential and viability of your established town. If it is lacking, you will be informed and allowed to improve. If it is adequate/tip-top, then full points. The final resulting 'towns' will be judged by a panel of Minecraft 'experts' with the winning land receiving bonus 50 points.
Minecraft isn't for everybody. You may find this 'game' exceedingly annoying. Then no need, plenty of other methods to get points. May be worth it for some of you, though, that find this an interesting endeavor. Good luck!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Budgeting Quiz (points based on amount correct)
Tuesday this week. Points are based on your % correct.
Gen I Revolution (50-100 points)
Deadline for points is the Friday before spring break starts. Good luck!
To complete:
1) Logon to the Gen I Revolution game.
2) Play the game as a team, solving the missions as best you can.
3) Accumulate as many points as possible.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Voicethread of Budget (100 points)
First, introduce yourself with a Title Page slide
Second, make a slide of your spreadsheet of your budget.
Third, a slide of your actual apartment you chose.
4th, a slide of your transportation decision
5th, a slide of your food choices.
And last, a slide that represents a final reflection.
Wth each slide (and this is the beauty of Voicethread), you need to include spoken comments.
1st: Tell us who you are and what this is
2nd: Walk us through your budget, tell us the job, decisions you made, etc...
3rd: Detail your apartment, why you chose it (location, cost, amenities), and how you'll deal with your roommate. Also, mention the furniture decisions you made.
4th: Detail your car decisions, and describe your plan to handle gasoline, insurance, maintenance, repairs, and registration costs.
5th: Descibe your nutrition plan, based on what decisions you made at the grocery store. Got enough protein? Carbs? Water and bread only?
6th: Conclude by showing what you'll have left each month. What will you do with that cash? Save for emergencies? Invest? Open a retirement account? Impress others out on the town?
This Voicethread must include the spoken comments, otherwise it is unacceptable!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Backseat Budgeter (20 points)
Try to lower taxes, balance the budget, and trigger no "constitutional warnings". No small task for a legislator that represents a district that wants taxes to be lowered. When complete, write a one-paragraph, 100-word blog post detailing what you tried and how it failed/succeeded, followed by how you feel about our laws involving the raising of taxes and spending on education.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Tax Form 1040A (15 points)
To complete:
1) Print out a 1040A form from the IRS
2) Fill it out using the actual values of what you earned in 2013
3) Turn in completed form
4) I'll shred it after entering into your grade.
*** No 2013 income to account for? Then this task probably isn't for you.***
**** Not interested in divulging income? Again, probably not the task for you****
Tax Quiz (points based on performance)
the overall tax burden, however, can feel overwhelming at times. Here is a short, not complete, list of taxes you may/will encounter in your lifetime:
federal income tax
state income tax
city income tax
state sales tax
city sales tax
county sales tax
property tax
'sin' tax
gasoline tax
phone tax
Combine that with fees like car registration and gun ownership background checks, and the American citizen can start to feel a bit of a pinch in the wallet area. It is incumbent on our elected officials to keep these costs in check, and fully accounted for, and if they fail to do so appropriately, it is incumbent on us to vote them out of their position(s).
To complete:
1) Open Socrative
2) Complete the quiz, utilizing your resources
3) Finish quiz
Friday, January 31, 2014
Financial Lesson for Youngins' (100 points)
To complete:
1) Design a lesson plan for 10-year-olds about a financial literacy topic (credit vs. debit will work) such that you have an introduction (a teaser if you will), a body that includes interaction from the students in some fashion, a prop (or props) for the students to view/touch/explore, and a conclusion (closure) that wraps it up and ties to your introduction.
2) Present the plan to me at a time where we could discuss it for approximately 15 minutes.
3) I'll establish the classroom location and time for you to 'present'.
4) I'll excuse you from the necessary classes if applicable.
5) Do it!
6)*it needs to be videoed, so one of your group presenting needs to film the proceedings.*
Grocery Budgeting (30 points)
Here's a link to my description of the budgeting project we're doing, for your viewing pleasure!
To complete:
1) Off to the grocery store with a shopping list!
2) Price it all for a month's worth.
3) Determine what you can and cannot have in order to stay in a budget. You'll need to determine what budget $$$ you're satisfied with, then subtract what you'll need to, if anything.
4) Put it in your official budget sheet as "Groceries."
5) Then, account for your vice as well. Put it your budget sheet right under groceries, and then make a determination if anything needs to be cut from either in order to afford. Your vice amount should reflect what you actually did spend on it during the first semester.
6) Show me personally both.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Gen i Revolution, Beyond the Mission (80 points)

The next Gen I Revolution task is Beyond the Mission, located adjacent to Murktide Invasion on the left side of the main page of Gen I Revolution. This task asks you to 'help' someone make good decisions in 6 different scenarios. The questions are very tricky, but if you follow carefully, your chances of answering them correctly are much greater. The task is to successfully point the 6 people in the right respective directions with what they are doing, and each time identify the 'double agent'. If you fail at the individual mission, you will be directed by the site to retry.
To complete:
1) Go to Gen i Revolution
2) Choose the Beyond the Mission link
3) Complete all 6 missions, successfully pointing the operative in the right direction and identify the double-agent.
4) Screen shot every success
5) Post all 6 success shots on a blog post entitled "Beyond the Mission"
Gen i Revolution, Murktide Invasion (50 points)
Gen i Revolution
You'll need to go to the site for the game, and login with the username you chose a bit back, remembering the password you put in as well. There will be 4 tasks associated with this site, the first being Murktide Invasion. Your task here is tough, and will require some research and questioning of me. You need to have successfully conquered 3 lands that began the game as red, without losing any other lands in the process. In other words, you need to be up three territories from where you started. The process to gain land is first answer the questions appropriately, second 'reinforce' your current territories with the troops you just gained by answering correctly, then attack the lands you wish to attack. It will most likely take at least 4 rounds of questions to successfully pull this off, but the questions are good ones that we certainly want to know the answers to. If you find this game engaging, as the Council hopes you do, you can try for the jackpot: 125 points to actually win the Murktide Invasion and completely wipe out the red opponent. Tough to do, but if you're so inclined, go for it, but keep in mind there is no in between. Either take the 50, or achieve the threshold for 125. Good luck!
To complete:
1) Open Gen i Revolution
2) Play Murktide Invasion (link on the middle-left side of the main page)
3) Successfully maintain 3 lands (territories) more than when you started
4) Screen shot and post to your blog under "Murktide"
Biz Kid Video (200 points)
Your task here is to create your own version of one of the Biz Kid videos produced, either #304 "Where is My Allowance?", or #501 "What's Your Money Personality?"
I have shown you the DVD of these episodes, now it's your turn. Your task here is to create your own incarnation of one of these videos. The video should be 8-15 minutes in length, and detail exactly what was detailed in the video you chose (they have several other choices as well, you can investigate on their website, Biz Kids).
Before you embark on the making of your video, please detail to me the plan for making it. In order to receive credit, I first need to know your plan. If you're completed project can be shown to our discrete class, add 20 points, and if you can manage to get the video announcement crew to air a portion of it in the announcements, then 25 additional points (but only one group could possibly receive that 25). To complete:
1) Watch the video you're going to re-create.
2) Detail a plan for your re-creation.
3) Show me the plan
4) Make the video.
5) Put the video on youtube, and give me the link.
6) If applicable, we'll show the video to either the class or the video announcement crew, or both, for the potential of more bonus points
Dollars & Sense (165 points)
Dollars &Sense is a financial literacy book written by Carol Carter, a Denver-based transition expert who helps teens take the next step towards adulthood, whatever step that may be. This one specifically is meant to assist late teens with understanding of personal financial decisions they'll make from 18 to 25, why they make those decisions, and what the consequences (good or bad) of those decisions are.
The task is simple enough: read the book and answer all the questions that are found throughout. The questions challenge you to give self-thought about your decision both current and future.
The book can be found here:
Dollars & Sense or here: Amazon
I have a copy, and we can discuss you borrowing it, but you wouldn't be able to write in it, and I'd have to limit you to 7 days of holding the book before I would demand it back for another to check it out. It might be easier for you to obtain your own copy, but cost may be prohibitive. Remember, these tasks aren't necessarily mandatory, and if you feel as though this one isn't right for you, skip it and do others.
To complete:
1) Get a copy of Dollars & Sense
2) Read it in its entirety
3) Complete ALL work and activities within
4) Show completed book to me in person. Reflections are part of the activities you'll do within the book.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Credit! (20 points)
1) Shop for furniture, writing all items and prices down. Add them them up for a total
2) Add in 7.5% sales tax
3) Use the formula to determine ho much per month you'd need to pay in order to finish paying it off in 2 years.
3) Show me the budget with the entry 'credit card' appropriately filled in.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Budgeting Transportation (mandatory) (20 points)
1) Find an available vehicle.
2) Determine the loan payment per month
3) Enter it into your budget.
Further, there are costs associated with owning a vehicle. Gasoline, repairs, routine maintenance, and registration just to name a few. All of these need to be accounted for, but we'll attack these on a case-by-case basis.
This task is considered complete when you have shown me the budgeted costs for transportation entered into your official budget sheet. I have to visually approve this for the points!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Budgeting Modern Technology (mandatory) (10 points)
You need to first determine what type of internet you want to have. Just on the cell phone? A land-based one only? Both? Then you'll need to price them accordingly, keeping in mind you ain't rich. But you will need to account for this; there will be no accepting (by me) of no interent.
Then you'll need to determine what type of television you'll want as a 20-something. This is where a roommate is extremely helpful, as TV is a touch more expensive than one might expect, and paying for it often feels like a waste. Do you want cable? Satellite? Just Netflix? All of them? Nothing? that determination is entirely up to you, but please, keep it realistic; if you watch 25 hours of television a week right now, then chances are you'll do something similar 10 years from now, and you'll need to account for that. Price it.
Then, without question, you'll need to price an appropriate cell phone plan for yourself. No options here, you MUST have a cell phone as part of your budget. Price it wisely. Look carefully. How important is texting to you? Do you want to combine the internet with it? Are there more options you want? Consider it carefully.
All of these that you include in your budget need to reflect real options that available to you right now. Once you find the plan you want to go with, you might want to capture it in a screenshot kept on your iPad to prove to me, in case I'm skeptical. When done, just like utilities, show me for credit.
1) Search for existing cell, internet, and if applicable TV plans.
2) Choose the plan(s) you want to commit to.
3) Include costs in budget
4) Ask me about additional costs, taxes, and fees that come with these.
5) Show me budgeted result in your official budget sheet you're creating.
This task is considered complete when I have physically seen that you've done it and responded with "okay" in some fashion
Economic Ed Lowdown (20 points and 15 points)
In "Experiment", your task is to defeat the expert. You are given choices to make, and if you can wisely choose the correct option each time, then you'll beat the expert! It's not so simple! Some of the choices are very thought-provoking, and you'll need to carefully consider what is in front of you. If you do manage to beat the expert, capture the evidence in a screenshot and post it in a new blog entitled, "Econ Lowdown". 20 points your way!
Further, if you can ace the challenge questions (also fairly challenging), then post the screenshot of that as well in the same blog, for 15 MORE points. 35 riding on the successful completion of this one.
This app was developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Surprisingly, the Fed is one of the leaders in the world of personal financial literacy, as they continue to conduct workshops for educators across the country hoping to develop a strong foundation in the topic for the youth of America.
This task is complete when you have successfully gone through the experiment and/or the challenge questions and posted the screenshots of that success on your blog as a new entry. I will verify from there.
Financial Football (10-25 points)
1)Launch Financial Football app
2) Play game, choose teams (irrelevant to success, although I will look closely at who you've chosen to play as and against), and choose a 10-minute half.
3) Play the game by answering questions. Don't dilly-dally, the clock keeps ticking and time is of the essence (it helps to win the toss; I wouldn't blame you if you ensured that happened before you embarked playing).
4) Get your satisfactory score and post it as a blog post entitled "Financial Football", with a screenshot of the final score of your game.
This task is complete when you've posted in your blog a screenshot of your final score. I will verify from there.
Voicethread (10 points)
This is a voicethread I made for my AP Statistics students to help them understand their study guide for the midterm. Go ahead and scan through it to see what a voicethread is. Effectively, a powerpoint presented via the internet, with the user being able to comment on the powerpoint itself (if the user is a registered user as well with Voicethread). Voicethread is a powerful tool of communication, one I'm near certain you will encounter in college in some fashion. You will utilize Voicethread for one (or more) of the tasks this semester, so we need to all have accounts with them. It is free, and quite simple to sign up, and indeed that is your task here. Just create an account. Feel free to experiment with Voicethread on your own, but I will have a short discussion on how it is used in class, so no need.
This task is complete when you have created a voicethread account of your own and post "Done" in the comment section of this blog post (mine). No need to include any evidence, your word is good.
Active Investments (10 points)
Create a blog post detailing your investment strategy up to date. Did you invest aggressively in just a few stocks? Did you spread out your cash over a wide range of possibilities? Tell us.
1) Create a blog post entitled "Investment Strategy"
2) Write a one paragraph blog that details your strategy, why you chose it, and what the up-to-date results are of that strategy. Include your current standing and actual money won/lost.(a screenshot will suffice)
3) Post a link to the blog entry as a comment to this blog
This task is complete when you have posted a link to your blog post as a comment in this blog post. I will read it and verify you acquiescence from there.
Budgeting Utilities (mandatory) (15 points)
I have a 2900 square foot home, pay $85/month for electricity, $65/month for natural gas, and $105/month for water. These values are consistent. Using proportions, you need to 'budget' how much you should spend for utilities in your place. You'll need to know the square footage of your apartment/house in order to successfully complete this.
1) Determine your square footage
2) Mathematically solve for what you should allot for each of the 3 utilities based on what I pay.
3) Enter those values in your actual budget sheet we've been constructing.
4) Show me
This task is considered complete when I have physically seen that you've done it and responded with "okay" in some fashion.
Wise Money! (15 Points)
1) Launch the app.
2) Begin playing the game. Carefully answer the questions.
3) When you've completed the game successfully, your screen will indicate that by claiming "Winner!"
4) Take a screenshot of that
5) Post the screen shot on your blog, under the title "Wise Money"
This task is considered complete when the post is entered with the appropriate screenshot.