Often times, the young American adult neglects to consider groceries as a necessary budgeted item, and views it as "whatever I have left after I pay all my bills." A better way to handle your finances is to actually consider groceries as a 'bill' that you must attend to each month, much the same as a car payment or electric bill. You need to eat. You need to stay clean.Our trip to Wally World was intended for you to see what these groceries actually cost, and see it at pretty much the cheapest possible venue. The task here is to determine what amount of money should be budgeted for you in order to maintain proper hygiene and sustenance, in other words you need to eat something other than Top Ramen or Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.
Here's a link to my description of the budgeting project we're doing, for your viewing pleasure!
To complete:
1) Off to the grocery store with a shopping list!
2) Price it all for a month's worth.
3) Determine what you can and cannot have in order to stay in a budget. You'll need to determine what budget $$$ you're satisfied with, then subtract what you'll need to, if anything.
4) Put it in your official budget sheet as "Groceries."
5) Then, account for your vice as well. Put it your budget sheet right under groceries, and then make a determination if anything needs to be cut from either in order to afford. Your vice amount should reflect what you actually did spend on it during the first semester.
6) Show me personally both.
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