Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Voicethread of Budget (100 points)

It's over! We completed the budget! Hopefully when you're 25-ish you'll feel more in control of your finances for what we did here this semester. Life is certainly expensive in this world, and in order to have all the 'stuff' you may want to be part of America's world, you'll need to be earning some decent income. The budget had a lot of components: rents, utilities, electronic needs, cars, and foods! Now it's time to finish it up and 'present.' You'll create a slide presentation using Keynote and enter the presentation into Voicethread (so if you haven't completed the task to sign up for Voicethread do that now) with a 6 slide requirement.
First, introduce yourself with a Title Page slide
Second, make a slide of your spreadsheet of your budget.
Third, a slide of your actual apartment you chose.
4th, a slide of your transportation decision
5th, a slide of your food choices.
And last, a  slide that represents a final reflection.
Wth each slide (and this is the beauty of Voicethread), you need to include spoken comments.
1st: Tell us who you are and what this is
2nd: Walk us through your budget, tell us the job, decisions you made, etc...
3rd: Detail your apartment, why you chose it (location, cost, amenities), and how you'll deal with your roommate. Also, mention the furniture decisions you made.
4th: Detail your car decisions, and describe your plan to handle gasoline, insurance, maintenance, repairs, and registration costs.
5th: Descibe your nutrition plan, based on what decisions you made at the grocery store. Got enough protein? Carbs? Water and bread only?
6th: Conclude by showing what you'll have left each month. What will you do with that cash? Save for emergencies? Invest? Open a retirement account? Impress others out on the town?
This Voicethread must include the spoken comments, otherwise it is unacceptable!
This task is considered complete when the aforementioned slides have been done on Voicethread, and then you email me ( the link to the actual Voicethread itself through the 'share' option on the Voicethread page. I need to have that sent to me in order for it to be accounted for!

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