Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Open Blogger Account (25 points)

Part of the process this semester is effective digital communication. You yourself need to have a venue in which you pass on what you've ascertained, learned, or determined, and that venue needs to be accessible for all to see. This Blogger site is an excellent option for that, so it's what we'll use. I'm going to post the available options for points right here, and you'll post many of the responses on your account. Often times, it'll be a blog post of text, other times it'll be an image you're putting here, and further it may be a link to a video.
This task is simple:
1) Using your bvsd provided gmail, open a blogger account to accompany it. Your iPad has an app titled "Blogger" for you, and you alone.
2) The blog should be named your actual name, not some slang variation or nickname.
3)  It is a "limited use" blog.
4) Create a new blog entitled "[your name] Discrete Learning Log"
5) Make the blogspot be "yourname4digits"
6) Dress up your blog how you'd like it!
7) Email the link to it to

This task is considered complete when the email has been opened by Mr. Letter and verified that indeed the learning log has been created.

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