1. Bill Burke worked 46 hours last week. If he earns $8.75 per hour and
gets time and a half for all hours he works in excess of 40, find his gross
2. Mary Carlson worked the following hours last week:
Monday—8; Tuesday—11; Wednesday—10; Thursday—8; Friday—2;
If she gets $12.60 per hour and time and a half for all hours she works
over 40, find her gross pay.
3. If a person’s gross pay for a week is $618 and the person worked 40 hours,
find her hourly wage.
4. Sean Young earns $6.50 per hour and gets time and a half for all hours he
works over 40. If his gross pay last week was $318.50, how many hours
overtime did he work?
5. Su Lee earns $9.60 per hour and gets double time for all hours over 40
that she works per week. If she received an $80.00 bonus last week and
worked 47 hours, find her gross pay.
6. Maura O’Riley receives a commission based on the following scale:
5% on all sales up to and including $10,000
7% on all sales over $10,000 up to and including $20,000
9% on all sales over $20,000
If she sold $24,300 worth of merchandise, find her gross pay.
7. Ti Lu receives a regular salary of $500 a week plus a 61/2% commission
on all sales. If she sold $2623 worth of merchandise, find her gross pay.
8. Shawn McMurry earns a 5% commission on all sales. Last week his
gross pay was $326.15. How much merchandise did he sell?
9. Tiffany Jenkins sold a home for $64,875. If her commission was
$1816.50, find the rate.
10. Jose Hernandez earns a commission of 121/2%. If his gross pay was $7227.50, how much did he sell?_____________________________